пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

conduit ileal uti

I meant to post my thoughts about the second episode last week but what with family and Thanksgiving and appointments it totally got away from me.

So hereapos;s my flyby review thinking back on it now.� It was a good episode.� I really liked the introduction of the Kabal.� They seem like theyapos;re going to be an on-going, worthy�enemy or menace which is always necessary for these types of shows to provide direction and focus.� As awesome as Druitt is he canapos;t be the baddie every week.���That said,�Iapos;m really looking forward to the third episode and finally breaking new ground that wasnapos;t covered in the webisodes.

The most interesting tidbit that I learned from this episode - everyone "in the know" or in the "underground" of monsters... Excuse me, abnormals, seems to know about the Magnus women, who they are, how they operate.� But not the big secret about the elder Magnusapos;s longevity.� And that I find verrrry interesting.

Iapos;m hopeful that weapos;ll start seeing snapshots of Magnusapos;s life.� How she lived without raising suspicion about her lack of aging, how she made her money, how she adapted to the changes in the world.� And most interesting, I think, how she raised her daughter.� I donapos;t see Magnus as the kind of person who would have lied to Ashley about whatapos;s out there.� She probably grew up knowing there were monsters.� But knowing it and being brought into that world to actively particiapte are two very different things.� I wonder how much of a normal childhood she had - for instance, school?�

At this point I remain optimistic and Iapos;m getting more intriguied.� Which is good and bad.� Good - becasue it speaks well for the life of the show, that it can pull viewers back since thereapos;s more than simply the "monster of the week."� Bad - because itapos;s more ways to be disappointed if Sanctuary doesnapos;t make it.
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